Heard about microservices, not sure what they can do for you? This session will show how to harness microservices using the power of Azure Service Fabric.
Service Fabric is the platform Microsoft uses to run high-performance, high-availability services like Azure SQL Database, DocumentDB, Event Hubs, Data Factory, Skype for Business, and Cortana.
With the Service Fabric SDK, your own applications can run on the same Service Fabric platform, either in Azure or your own datacenter. It's free, released, and fully supported by Microsoft.
Service Fabric lets you focus on creating features that add business value, without the overhead of designing and writing additional code to deal with issues of reliability, scalability, or latency in the underlying infrastructure.
Richard Broida, Connected Systems Practice Director at Bennett Adelson, will provide hands-on demonstrations to help you get up and running quickly.
Note: Location this month will again be in Building I, lower level conference room (the central building of the three).