Azure SIG
Microsoft Azure Hybrid Cloud: Bring Internet Scale to Your LOB Apps
Presented by Richard Broida
4/14/2015 5:45 PM
Cleveland Microsoft Office

Getting maximum value from LOB assets often requires integrating them with other systems in your enterprise, your partners’ enterprises, and/or the cloud. Building integration solutions from scratch can be a difficult task, while traditional EAI platforms can be costly investments. With Microsoft Azure you can build hybrid solutions that keep your essential LOB assets on premise while moving specialized functionality to the cloud to take advantage of high capacity, scalability and availability. At the same time, Azure provides a rich and growing assortment of services to connect with partners and SaaS suppliers.

But where to begin? This session will demonstrate creating secure, reliable integration workflows using publically available Azure services including Service Bus, Cloud Services and Azure BizTalk Service. Starting from a completely on premise scenario, we will proceed step by step to integrate a hypothetical LOB system with messaging, computing and storage services in the cloud. We’ll demonstrate best practices for development, testing and deployment, as well as managing costs and monitoring results. Whatever your level of cloud experience, we hope you’ll come away with solid ideas for using the cloud to get more value from your technology investments.

Richard Broida is the Connected Systems Practice Director at Bennett Adelson. A member of Microsoft’s Azure V-TSP program, Richard has helped clients build integration solutions in a variety of industries including manufacturing, healthcare, retail and finance.

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About Azure SIG
The Cleveland Azure Special Interest Group (Azure SIG) (formerly the Cleveland .NET SIG) was founded in a partnership between Bennett Adelson and Microsoft 20 years ago. The SIG has become the forum for Azure collaboration and instruction from some of the brightest minds in the region. The organization was founded to provide enterprise customers and community with educational support on the Azure cloud platform. The group meetings consist of architecture and implementation focused, content-rich presentations and interactive discussions with demos. The audience ranges from Azure experts to those decision makers, infrastructure engineers, and developers that are getting their first glimpse of the cloud.